Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

October 01, 2010

A Gifted Aries

With Pisces in their twelfth house of inner awareness, it is not inconceivable that headstrong sun-sign Aries types like Marjory would be gifted with supersensitive skills.

"As an only child, and an Aries, I had a lot of trouble learning how to relate to other children when I started school," explains Marjory. "My mother says I was a horribly hyperactive and headstrong kid, but when I learnt how to use my super sensitivity advantageously I became very popular at school.”

“It's definitely a gift when the energy is positive, but a great deal of the energy I am picking up these days - at work and at home - is really negative and horribly draining."

"I can tell that someone is having troubles the minute I look at them," explains Marjory, "and because I work for a very big company I’m often overwhelmed by all the messages my intuition picks up.”

“Everyone at work these days seems to be deeply troubled, angry or miserable. It's a sign of the times, I suppose, but what with the trouble I'm having at home with my husband's illness it is all becoming overwhelming."

"Working with less people actually makes things worse for me," explains Marjory. "The fewer people around me, the closer the relationships become, and the more powerful my intuition becomes about them."

“Like a typical Aries, I guess I prefer a huge arena in which to show off!”

Read more by Marjory on this issue:

  • a supersensitive caregiver
  • caregiver dreads retirement
  • gift a blessing and curse
  • supersensitive job survival

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