Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

May 23, 2008

clean up your act

Persephone, 31, is divorced, lives alone and is currently unemployed and recovering from a broken romance which has left her in a total mess – but after a big clean up of her living space she was able to see some light ahead and is now working towards cleaning up her mental space.

"When I feel totally cleansed – when I am totally ‘over’ Peter – it would be nice to be able to afford a self-indulgent splurge," smiles Persephone. "I would book myself into a beauty salon and get the works; I'd visit the top boutique in town and get a new outfit; I'd hop on a plane and enjoy a trip to anywhere; I'd go skiing or I'd go see a big, flash concert or show."

"In that sense the rich do have a huge advantage over the poor," adds Persephone, "but no amount of money helps you get through the internal healing, the soul stuff, the period from a broken heart to the point where you want to feel like going on a self-indulgent splurge."

"When you've reached the stage where you're ready to put a smile on your face - and you don't have money to splurge - you learn to enjoy the simple things in life," says Persephone. "A long walk usually makes me feel good, and if I can't stand looking at my sad face tomorrow I might try that and see how I feel afterwards."

"In my case, though," adds Persephone, "being back to where I was before I'd met Peter would satisfy me. For the three months I'd been with him I didn't think about finding a job at all. I thought he was the one! I couldn't think of anything else besides him."

"So, being sufficiently whole, happy and healed – to me, right now – means getting back to job hunting," explains Persephone. "And if time doesn't heal my broken heart then the sight of a falling bank balance will certainly do the trick!"

Read more stories about Persephone:

  • the big cleanup
  • unusual situations need special care

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