Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

February 22, 2008

the sun, moon and stars

Alissa claims that the God in Heaven and all of the rituals of the Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – are based on the sun worship of early civilizations, and none more so than Babylonian astrology.

"The Babylonians c. 2300 BC developed the 360 degree circle and our 24 hour day to honor the sun's perceived path in the sky,” says Alissa, “and they also developed the seven day week honoring not only the sun but also the moon and the five visible planets.”

“They also gave us astrology and the belief that the sign of Leo, governed by the sun, is the most powerful sign to be born under,” says Alissa, “but, curiously, the Jews, who had strong Babylonian ties, choose Saturday, Saturn's day, as their sabbath rather than Sunday, the sun's day."

"Maybe that's because the Christians usurped the day just like everything else," laughs Alissa, "or maybe Abraham's children stuck to Saturn, their old sun god."

"It is no coincidence, either, that the dates for both Hanukkah and Christ’s birth were chosen to coincide with ancient Winter Solstice celebrations which predate both religions and have deeper spiritual meanings."

“Just like the Christians managed to convince so many sun-worshippers to celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25th - the Roman calendar's Winter Solstice,” says Alissa, “the Jews managed to convince just as many sun-worshippers to celebrate the Jewish Hanukkah at the Winter Solstice.”

“Representing the menorah with oil for one day that miraculously kept light for eight days after the rebuilding of the Temple,” explains Alissa, “the Hanukkah festival of lights takes place at the precise time that the sun's light lengthens."

Read more by Alissa on this issue:

  • sun worship

  • sun gods and virgins

  • inventing sun gods

  • nightmares and nightlights

  • harnessing the sun

  • the universal fear of death

  • a fishy story

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