Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

September 29, 2011

a fishy story

Alissa is a Piscean and a pagan who resents the fact that her symbol, the fishes, was stolen from Babylonian astrology by the Christians – along with just about every other symbol from the ancient world.

"Pisces, the sign of the fishes, was a symbol appropriated from Babylonian astrology by the Christians," says Alissa. "I may be a Piscean but I am certainly no fisher of men, and neither am I interested in fishy stories.”

“Only the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is good enough for my daughter and I resent Christianity being taught in schools,” says Alissa. “We're no longer living in the Christian dominated Dark Ages. It's time everyone knew the truth and saw the light."

"The fishes remain symbolic for Pisceans, thankfully, but of all the ancient sun worshipping pagan celebrations and symbols that the Christians totally and irrevocably appropriated as their own the cross has to be No. 1,” says Alissa. “In ancient times the cross was a universal symbol for the sun, of its death and rebirth at the Winter Solstice.”

“Like the beautiful ancient swastika that the Nazis appropriated and sullied,” says Alissa, “the ancient meaning of both symbols, the cross and the swastika, has now been totally changed."

"The bible tells us that Jesus is the light of the world, but as sun gods go, his preeminence is due entirely to the superstition of another mother-dominated man, the Roman Emperor Constantine, who abolished all other gods in favor of Jesus -- making him a state mandated god -- in return for Christian help in winning a battle c. 313."

"Because the Romans were meticulous record keepers, one would think that somebody would have written down something at the time about the amazing feats of Jesus that the Christians claim he performed,” says Alissa. “Nobody did. He was recorded by the Romans as being a Jew who claimed to be the Messiah.”

“All that was written about Jesus came decades after his existence, and there is no real evidence, either, that he even existed," says Alissa. “A fishy story indeed!”

"I suppose that adherents of the other Abrahamic religion, Islam, would say that they saw the light hundreds of years ago -- as far as I know there are no sun gods in their religion," muses Alissa. "Maybe that's why they chose the crescent moon as their symbol."

Read more by Alissa on this issue:

  • sun worship

  • sun gods and virgins

  • inventing sun gods

  • nightmares and nightlights

  • harnessing the sun

  • the sun, moon and stars

  • the universal fear of death

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