Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

March 08, 2010

Sun gods and virgins, Jesus and Mary

Alissa points out that Christianity is a sham because it merely adapted ancient beliefs about sun gods and virginal births to give us the Virgin Mary and Jesus.

"At the Winter Solstice, the ancient Egyptians and Syrians celebrated the sun's birth by projecting human values onto the sun, literally depicting the Winter Solstice as a baby whose mother was a Heavenly Virgin,” says Alissa. “At midnight on Winter Solstice, the priests emerged from shrines shouting words to the effect that the Virgin had delivered."

"Saturn, Mordoc, Horus, Sol, Apollo and Osiris were the major sun gods in various lands,” says Alissa, “but the Persian sun god -- called Mithras or Mithra –is particularly interesting because not only was he born of a virgin but his birth was also witnessed by shepherds and magicians.”

“Mithras’ duty as a god was to raise the dead, heal the sick and cast out demons,” says Alissa. “At the spring equinox Mithra returned to heaven and before this event he had a last supper with twelve disciples representing the twelve signs of the zodiac.”

“This last supper consisted of eating bread marked with a cross – a cross being a universal symbol for the birth and death of the sun in ancient times."

"No prizes, then, for guessing how the early Christians two thousand years later managed to convert so many sun-worshippers into believing the fantasy of the Virgin Mary and the godly, light giving qualities of Jesus, and why December 25th -- the Roman calendar's Winter Solstice -- was later chosen to celebrate his birthday (when, on the facts of the story surrounding his alleged birth, he could not possibly have been born in winter)."

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