Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

June 01, 2008

backing a winner?

Since the Iraq invasion of March, 2003, Sissy has felt her very own survival threatened. She is ashamed of the misery that her government has brought to a country that was no way involved in 9/11, and she has backed Obama as a winner.

“Barack Obama’s arrival on the political scene last year was a breath of fresh air for me,” says Sissy. “I felt intuitively in tune with the message he conveyed and I have worked hard to support him.”

“All of my hopes are now close to being dashed by the current negative attention being given to his smoking habit,” says Sissy. “I question whether I have backed a winner or a loser, and wonder whether his decision to quit smoking was a heartfelt intuitive survival mechanism or something he was pushed into doing unwillingly.”

“I don’t think it’s a requirement of running for office to be a non-smoker (forgive me if I am wrong, as far as I know smoking is still legal) so his decision to quit appears to be something he did to please his wife, Michelle,” sighs Sissy, “and, that being the case, I seriously query his judgment and hers.”

“If that’s the case, then he seems to have ignored all of the basic principles of giving up smoking - do it because you want to quit not because someone else wants you to quit; choose the least stressful time to commence the quitting process; and, depending upon the type of smoker you are, to have realistic expectations about your success.”

“That Obama is still smoking – after thirty years of having anti-smoking propaganda shoved in his face – tells everyone that he is not a social smoker, someone who just smokes because everyone else does and can give up smoking easily when everyone else stops smoking.”

“Will he succeed or will he fail and how is that going to affect everyone’s survival?”

Read more by Sissy on this issue:

  • once a smoker always a smoker

  • Barack Obama Smokes?

  • addictive friends

  • peace up in smoke?

  • walking on water

  • a life changing vote

  • who’s the boss?

  • candidates and spouses

  • and check out:

  • Secrets of Barack Obama’s Age

  • Obama, Clinton or McCain?

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