Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

June 10, 2009

Lucky Aries?

Reza is a positive, upbeat, glass half-full rather than glass half-empty type of person who firmly believes that her amazing survival through many life challenges is due entirely to being born under ‘lucky stars’.

“I believe that what separates us when we are growing up is not so much environment but our lucky stars -- and by that I don’t necessarily mean our astrological stars, although it may be true that all Arians are lucky for all I know,” explains Reza. “I do know, though, that that being lucky doesn’t necessarily mean having an easy life -- it just means you’re lucky at survival, beating the odds.”

“Being born under the sun sign Aries probably makes me more of a risk taker than the other sun signs -- I don’t think too much, I just rush into things -- and in this respect I am probably luckier than other sun signs, or more honest than they are in attributing my success to luck.”

“Without hesitation, without weighing up the pros and cons, I would run into a burning house to save someone trapped inside knowing, intuitively, that whatever burns I might incur I would survive and I wouldn’t be permanently and horribly disfigured.”

“And this is something that people fail to understand about ‘luck’,” explains Reza. “Being lucky doesn’t necessarily mean the absence of pain -- enjoying a totally easy life, winning lotteries and that sort of stuff -- it’s more about surviving incredible personal odds.”

“If I appear to be a positive, upbeat, glass half-full rather than glass half-empty type of person then that’s just me, and being lucky didn’t make me like that. I could just as easily be miserable and still be lucky.”

“But perhaps being born under the sun sign Aries makes me lucky?”

Read more stories about Reza:

  • a charmed life

  • is survival a matter of luck?

  • Labels: , , , , ,

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