Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

June 23, 2010

is survival a matter of luck?

Reza believes that her amazing survival through many life challenges is due entirely to the magical, mystical element of luck, but because she is a very positive person it is difficult to tell whether her intuitive faith in being ‘lucky’ made her a positive person or whether an innate positive nature made her lucky?

“I believe we’re all born with an innate positive nature, it’s not just me,” says Reza. “Without a strong and positive will to live and thrive none of us would have made it through the birth canal let alone our first year of life.”

“So many times in my life, from childhood onwards, I’ve been given virtual death sentences -- six month to live, maybe a year -- and I shrugged them all off nonchalantly because I knew, intuitively, that it was not my time, that I’m far too lucky to die young.”

“Being born under lucky stars doesn’t mean that I’m indestructible -- I hurt, I get ill, I get injured, I feel pain just like everybody does and I’ve got scars to prove it,” laughs Reza, “but it does mean that I know intuitively that my odds of surviving any adversity are way, way above average.”

“I believe it all comes down to the magical, mystical element of luck,” says Reza. “I don’t think an intuitive belief in being lucky made me more or less positive than anyone else.”

“Sometimes I’m downright miserable,” laughs Reza. “I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t experience the whole gamut of normal emotions.”

“Also, I know some very lucky people who are glass half-empty type of people -- they’re all doom and gloom and yet still manage to live incredibly lucky lives.”

“I haven’t discussed the subject of luck with them -- or how they perceive themselves in relation to the universe,” adds Reza, “but I imagine that they think a lot more than I do, weigh up the pros and cons of everything they do, and because of this they tend to attribute their luck to careful planning when, as far as I am concerned, it was pure luck.”

“Planning had nothing to do with it.”

“I’ve seen talented and positive people work hard and invest their all in the attainment of a life dream and yet fail miserably,” says Reza. “They were just unlucky. It’s the way things are.”

“What I am trying to say is that some people are lucky no matter what their personality or environment or investment may be.”

Read more stories about Reza:

  • Lucky Aries?
  • a charmed life

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