Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

August 11, 2007

perfume reminder of special friend

Nigella met Billy while she was separated and very lonely at a ‘parents without partners’ group, and believes that her transition from misery to happiness during this period was due entirely to her special friendship with him - and a perfume gift from him that lasted for many years.

"Billy and I clicked straight away - he made me laugh till I cried. He was smoking a cigar and even though I've never smoked myself I dared to do something crazy that night - I asked for one of his cigars and we sat outside and smoked and talked and laughed like two kids."

"He wanted to take me out to dinner one night but I couldn't accept as I didn't want to upset the kids' lives, and besides which I wasn’t sexually attracted to him," explains Nigella. "It was bad enough that their father had deserted them without me acting like I didn't care for them."

"Billy understood and suggested I bring the kids to his place for dinner."

"He was amazing with the kids," sighs Nigella. "He explained that he was the eldest of seven kids - the youngest being 18, not much older than my 12 year old son - and he was more in touch with my kids than their own father had been."

"Billy had a barbeque out the back and he threw some slabs of meat on the hotplate - along with stacks of vegetables that he'd wrapped in foil without washing or peeling them first - and the result was fantastic!"

"There was no washing up - we ate off the foil using our hands!"

"After dinner, Billy brought out his guitar and we had a sing-song," laughs Nigella. "I had never in my life experienced such a warm family-type setting.”

“I had only known Billy for two days and already he had accomplished a miracle. All the hurt that the kids and I felt just melted away."

"I often wonder if he was sent into my life for that purpose," muses Nigella. "Without meeting him I might never have adapted to being single again, and every time I use the perfume he gave me I am reminded of how lucky I was to meet him."

Read more about Nigella's story:

  • aromatic memories
  • flash in the pan guys

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