Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

July 11, 2007

inhuman humans

Trudy, 41, was raised, like most of us are, to believe in the good of mankind and to conveniently ignore its inhumanity, but with each passing year she gains insight into just how wrong that belief is and while some may say her insight is 'maturity' she believes it's a natural survival instinct finally overcoming social conditioning.

"We have ascribed so many good attributes to being 'human' that when somebody does something diabolical we call it 'inhuman'," says Trudy, ''but what if our true natures are diabolical?"

"When you look at our history -- not just at the last couple of hundred years, but since we first made a footprint on the Earth," says Trudy, "the good that we have done has been far surpassed by our diabolical deeds."

"Humans have wiped out entire species, ravaged the land, polluted the air and been in a perpetual state of warfare -- raping, pillaging and killing," explains Trudy. "What's so wonderful about us in comparison with the plant and animal kingdoms?"

"What animal species rapes its own babies or devises diabolical instruments of torture and killing?" asks Trudy. "Does that sort of thing make us intellectually superior or just plain old inhuman humans?"

"And why do so many of continue to believe the myth that animals have no feelings, no thoughts and no intelligence?" asks Trudy. "Any idiot should be able to see that the humble ant, for instance, has a social structure that far outweighs ours in terms of survival."

"When I look at the magnificent elephants," says Trudy, "I wonder how such massive creatures can survive only on plants."

"I am not a vegetarian -- yet," laughs Trudy, "but I can appreciate how the more evolved humans among us are taking up a vegan lifestyle in protest against the abominable farming of animals for human consumption."

"When you really think about, being a carnivore is not exactly a nice trait, is it?" asks Trudy."It never occurs to most of us where those nicely packaged slices of meat we buy at the supermarket came from, and what suffering some animal had to endure in order to feed us."

"I hate to admit it, but I was about fourteen years old when I finally realized where milk,eggs and meat came from," laughs Trudy. "Being a city girl, you just don't see the sheer brutality of farm life and even if you are told about it, you quickly turn your mind away because you want to believe that humans are *nice*."

"But it's not just animals that suffer from our inhumanity, it's other human beings, too," says Trudy. "Starting from bullying at school to joining an army and becoming a killing machine, or going into business and ripping people off, most people are truly awful human beings."

"We sanctify such institutions as marriage and the family," says Trudy, "but more violence and evil are committed within such relationships than in the wider community."

"Hardly a day goes by when we don't hear about some poor child being raped or killed by a family member, or some woman being bashed senseless by her partner, or some elderly parent being abused or murdered by an adult child."

"And while this sort of thing is happening on the home-front, we are out there in the wider world raping, looting and murdering other human beings in the name of religion, democracy or some other spurious motive."

"I once walked around with rose-colored glasses, seeing the good in everyone I met and conveniently ignoring the bad in them," says Trudy. "We all do this because that's what our parents, teachers, pastors and politicians told us to do and they may truly believe in what they're telling us because they, too, were raised in such a fashion."

"Now, I don't exactly walk around seeing the bad in everyone I meet and conveniently ignore the good in them," says Trudy, "but knowing how inhuman human beings are I am never surprised by diabolical behavior."

"I don't have kids," says Trudy, "but if I did I'd be raising them with different values to those I was raised with. I'd be telling them to fear their fellow human beings, not the wrath of God, and I'd keep them within my sight at all times until they are old enough to survive on their own wits."

"We don't actually eat each other -- although we probably did before we found an easy way to kill animals," says Trudy, "but we sure as hell rape, plunder and kill each other on a regular basis because, let's face it, that's what humans do."

"And, conditioning us to suppress our innate inhumanity and be *nice* only made it easier for those in control to rape, loot and kill us, as they do on a regular basis if only in the form of exorbitant taxes."

"I'm not advocating that survival depends upon allowing our baser selves to hang loose," laughs Trudy. "I'm merely advocating that we need to be intuitively aware, at all times, that someone, somewhere,is truly out to get us and in that sense paranoia is not so much a disease but a excellent survival aid!"

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