Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

November 23, 2006

six degrees to jobs and men

Noela is 39, divorced with a 15 year old daughter, and is long-term unemployed. Fed up with her situation she took up networking and it has totally changed her life.

"I believe that a wonderful new man, job, house or whatever we want is merely six people away from all of us," explains Noela. "We will not necessarily know the person who shows us the way, but we will know someone who knows someone who knows someone. Get the picture?"

"Everything in life," says Noela, "is all about networking, keeping your ear to the ground, listening, watching and making it your business to be acquainted with as many people as you can over a wide spectrum of businesses and professions. When you know who's who, you know what's going on and you'll have so many new opportunities opening up for you that you could become dizzy thinking about them!"

Noela estimates that more jobs, partners and opportunities are found through networking than by any other means. So, whatever you want in life, Noela believes that the best way to find it is through networking.

"The hidden job market is well known," says Noela, "but there is a hidden market for everything out there."

"Just imagine it," says Noela. "If half of the world's jobs being filled at any one time are from the hidden job market - jobs that are not advertised anywhere - then half of the world's needs in every conceivable area are being filled similarly by hidden means. Partners, houses, cars, whatever - you name it there's a hidden market for it!"

"With this sort of hidden economy operating - not all of which is going to be black marketeering - advertising is unnecessary," explains Noela. "Fast-working networkers with their fingers on the pulse of everything are going to grasp new opportunities as soon as the opportunity arises. In the case of a job, a networker often fills it within hours of the guy they are replacing giving notice to quit. In the case of a relationship, a networker replaces a girlfriend within hours of the separation being announced. It's as easy as that!"

Networkers, according to Noela, are people who don't waste time posting their resume to job-boards, applying for every job advertised on the Net or sitting home watching television. They don't waste time with personal ads or dating agencies if it's a new guy they're looking for. They don't waste time with real estate agents and property magazines when it's a new house they're looking for.

Instead, they're like Noela. She taps her existing contacts when it is time to find anything she wants, and she makes it her business to get to know the people she needs to know in order to get whatever it is she wants. Noela is using networking to find both a partner and a job, and she maintains that it's only a matter of time before she finds them.

Noela explains that when you gain a foot in the door of any hidden market through networking, you come with a personal recommendation. This recommendation is either from someone who knows you, or someone who knows someone who knows you.

"In the job market," explains Noela, "rather than going through the haphazard, costly and time-consuming exercise of recruiting staff, most companies prefer to hire staff by the time-honored tradition of personal recommendation. It's the same with everything, not just jobs."

"Becoming a networker opened up a whole new direction in life for me," confides Noela. "It took me a long time to get the hang of it and do it properly, and I am still waiting for my efforts to bear fruit, but I am absolutely sure that I will be rewarded."

"I am always careful when networking that I don't waste time indulging in dalliances and getting sidetracked by people who are in no position to help me," says Noela. "I try very hard to be selective about my contacts. I'm in a special situation because I'm looking for a partner and a job - so I can kill two birds with one stone - but sometimes it's difficult to sift the time wasters from the valuable contacts."

Noela makes a point to ask questions designed to show people she's smart and knows exactly what she wants and what she's capable of doing.

"No matter how desperate you are for work, or a guy, or whatever it is you want," warns Noela, "it's very important to maintain focus and dignity. Getting down on hands and knees and begging is not generally a good idea, but I suppose if it can be done with style it could work!"

"I have also became a shameless name dropper," laughs Noela. "But name dropping is vitally important because by the law of six degrees of separation I know that someone knows someone who is ultimately going to know someone who is going to help me find the man and job of my dreams."

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