Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

November 06, 2006

only the intuitively fit survive

Natasha is a highly intuitive stay home mom with three daughters and she believes that intuition is a survival of the fittest mechanism.
"Use it or die!" laughs Natasha.

"Many aspects of manipulative behavior are nothing more than negatively directed survival of the fittest instincts," explains Natasha. "These instincts were used positively when we were evolving, but now that we've become plastic dummies some of us tend to use these instincts negatively - like a bored well-fed cat plays with a mouse."

"I sees manipulators or 'screwers' as predators, and the manipulated or 'screwees' as their prey," explains Natasha, "and it is a tragedy in our society that most women are set up at birth to be good little screwees. Gender roles force us into weak positions, but women who trust their intuition can overcome these social disadvantages."

Natasha believes that women's instinctive fight or flight survival response has been tampered with from birth.

"When we were told 'don't cry', 'be quiet', 'be a good little girl', 'maintain your dignity', 'be cool', 'don't shout', etc," says Natasha, "we were manipulated and screwed into mistrusting our intuitive powers by the people entrusted with raising us."

"I'm not raising my daughters to be good little screwees," laughs Natasha.. "I am raising them to be alert and assertive and to cry when they feel like it, make as much noise as they want to and to speak up when they feel a need to."

"If that means that they're going to be 'bad girls' then they are going to be much better survivors than I was."

"My parents were good people but they were misguided," explains Natasha. "They believed that girls should sublimate their emotions - express them in a more socially acceptable manner - and yet all this does, effectively, is make us good little screwees."

"Most boys are not taught to be good little boys. They are expected to get into mischief, be rowdy, rough, demanding and competitive."

"Similarly," says Natasha, "women were taught at a very early age to control whatever screwing instincts they had. We were fed with a heap of platitudes - 'forgive and forget', 'turn the other cheek', 'it is more blessed to give than to receive', 'the meek will inherit the earth'. etc."

"Is it any wonder that women are so easily targeted by manipulative men when they have been raised with all that garbage shoved into their brains?" asks Natasha.

"Be a good little girl equates with being a good little screwee," says Natasha, "and be a regular little boy equates with being a good little screwer."

"If the 'winners' of this world - the men - are out there using their innate survival and screwing instincts to their advantage," says Natasha, "then it is grossly unfair that women have been made the 'losers' of this world by a socialization process that denies them free expression of their survival instincts."

"It’s about time that we woke up to the fact that most of us were screwed even before we were old enough to know what was happening," says Natasha.

"And so were our mothers and their mothers before them."

"And, if we're not teaching our daughters to follow the 'be a good screwee' tradition, then bet your life their teachers are shoving this nonsense into them."

Natasha has had several arguments with her daughters’ teachers on this count.

Natasha also believes it’s about time that women woke up to the fact that human survival instincts are there for a very good purpose.

"Nobody tells us not to laugh when we're happy or not to seek justice when we've been physically assaulted," says Natasha, "so it's grossly unfair that women should be told not to worry when they feel fear and not to rage and seek justice when they have been emotionally assaulted."

"Manipulation - putting you in a position of powerlessness - is emotional rape," says Natasha, "and like physical rape it is all about power."

"Manipulative emotional rape is something that women do to other women, too," explains Natasha. "So calling the practice screwing is calling a spade a spade."

Natasha would like more women to get in touch with their intuition, and she would also like to see a stop put on indoctrination designed to turn women into good little screwees.

Asked whether the institution of marriage is a situation that sets women up to be manipulated, Natasha replies that it often does but not in her case.

"My husband takes on the male protective role, not the male predatory role," says Natasha, "and in this respect he is a rare man. I fear that our daughters will have a difficult time finding a similar man for themselves."

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