Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

June 21, 2010

Cancerians, motherly types?

Amanda’s mom was furious when her little girl refused to have an abortion after falling pregnant at the age of 16 to some guy who drifted in and out of town one night, and despite all of the miseries Amanda has had to endure as a welfare mom, she maintains that having her baby was the best thing she has ever done, and probably will ever do.

"Even though I fell pregnant by mistake to a guy I didn't even know," explains Amanda, "I wanted that baby more than anything else.”

“Maybe that's because I'm an only child and knew that my mother never wanted me,” explains Amanda, “or maybe it's because my sun-sign is Cancer and I'm the motherly type. Who knows?"

"My mother was furious when I told her I was going ahead with the pregnancy," confides Amanda. "She warned me that the child would ruin my life – probably like I ruined her life – but I wouldn’t listen.”

“She told me that if I chose to have the baby I would be doing it on my own – she refused to help me,” confides Amanda, “and that didn’t deter me either. I just went to welfare and they found me a place to share with other pregnant girls.”

“It was very scary," confesses Amanda, "but having my daughter was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. She is perfect and despite all of the troubles I have had trying to raise her on my own, being a mother is wonderful.”

Read more about Amanda’s story:

  • bleak future on welfare
  • a wasted education?
  • burdens and blessings
  • a child raising a child
  • I didn't know I was pregnant!
  • health problems of welfare moms
  • abortion or welfare?

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