Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

August 30, 2012

faking religion to survive

Sukie believes that the atheists are far too late to stop the magical thinking sky fairy religions from taking over the world, and she’s resigned to the possibility of having to fake belief in order to survive the years ahead.

“I’ve been an atheist since I was a kid and worked out that god is a figment of men’s imaginations – a great big sky fairy,” explains Sukie. “But I had no idea when I was young that religions are organizations that do a lot more than rant on about god and heaven and hell - they just about run everything in our society!"

“I’m a baby boomer who has sleepwalked through the past 50 years totally oblivious to the fact that the religions have taken over just about everything in our society,” says Sukie. “I can appreciate why Dawkins and Hitchens et al are out there drumming up support for atheism, a return to a more rational society, but they are far too late.”

“I only woke up to this fact when I had the misfortune to lose my job and then break a few bones and met up, once again, with the sort of religiosity that blighted my state school education so many years ago,” explains Sukie. "A religious organization operated my local employment agency and another one operated my post-hospital health service."

“My parents didn’t send me to a religious school and I resented being fed god along with reading, writing and arithmetic; but I thought that this sort of thing died out 50 years ago – how wrong I was!”

“I think that my generation, the baby boomers, is going to bring about a great resurgence in religion as they age,” laughs Sukie. “Most of us will be faking it, but by that time religion will be so rampant in our society that even McDonald’s staff is going to be offering us god with our burgers, so why should we be bothered about an insignificant thing like belief?”

Read more by Sukie on this issue:

  • Would you like God with that?
  • Did you vote for God?

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