Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

August 30, 2012

move on by relocating

Ulrika broke up with her guy once she discovered he had infected her with herpes, and rather than hanging around in a place that reminds her of this awful experience she plans on relocating as far away as possible as soon as she can.

"I'm planning on moving far, far away,” says Ulrika, “and then I'll deal with the rest of my life -- such as what type of guy is ever going to be interested in a woman infected with herpes.”

"It's a permanent thing, something you never recover from, and being 19 rather than 49 makes it so much harder for me because I’ve got my whole life ahead of me.”

"I don't care about the guy, good riddance to him -- he didn't care about me when he got drunk and had unprotected sex with a prostitute and then came home and didn't warn me, knowingly infecting me," says Ulrika. "All I care about is the future and I'm terrified that my kids will somehow get infected, too."

“I’ll just pack all of our stuff on the old jalopy and take to the road,” says Ulrika. ”I have no idea where the kids and I will end up, but anything is going to be better than hanging around here, stewing about this stinking disease.”

Read more about Ulrika:

  • herpes, a dirty disease?
  • there’s no separation from herpes

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