Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

December 14, 2006

chat line friends turn nasty

Pia, 34, is a beautiful woman, full of life and joy, but she's mildly disabled and can't get out much. She once spent her nights on telephone chat lines, happily chatting to new friends - male and female - but her amazing gift for chat turned to a liability when strange things started happening to her home telephone line.

"If it wasn't constant hang-ups or drop-outs it was strange noises occurring in the middle of conversations," explains Pia.

Thinking it must be one of the guys on the chat line - someone who knew her telephone number and wanted to annoy her - Pia went to the trouble to get the telephone company to change her number as well as making it silent.

"It meant telephoning all my trusted friends to give them the new number, but it was worth it to gain the peace I wanted," says Pia.

Her peace was short-lived. Within two weeks all the strange things started happening again.

Pia concluded, quite reasonably, that it had to be someone she had given her new number to, so she went to elaborate lengths to test everybody.

"I started keeping a special journal of the times I received hang-ups, or telephone interference, and one by one I eliminated people who I knew could not have been doing it," explains Pia.

Finally, Pia had two main suspects and grilled them unmercifully.

"Their denials infuriated me because I was so sure that it was one of them - but I didn't know which one - so I banned the two of them from my life and went to the trouble of changing my telephone number again so that neither of them would bother me again."

Within a week of changing her telephone number for the second time, Pia spat the dummy when the hang-ups and telephone interference started again.

"I went to the police to get the two guys charged," relates Pia, "but all the police did was laugh at me."

"I then went to the telephone company and demanded a trace be put on my telephone line," says Pia, "but they also laughed at me and said that such a thing was not possible - and that was a lie because I know that traces are possible. I guess because my life wasn't threatened the police and the telephone company could do nothing to help me."

Needless to say, Pia's happy association with telephone chat lines came to an abrupt end.

"Chat lines were my life and now I have no life because of all the stress of the nuisance calls," says Pia. "I couldn't believe that this sort of thing can happen on a friendly chat line."

"I was so sure it was one of the two weird people I had suspected that I decided to get my telephone number changed for the third time," sighs Pia.

"This time I decided not to tell anyone my new number - I used the telephone for outgoing calls only."

"Can you believe it? The hang-ups and telephone interference returned a week later!"

"This gave me a whole new perspective on his problem," says Pia. "It had to be someone at the telephone company - or someone who knows someone who works for the telephone company - but who? Whoever was making the nuisance calls always used a call blocker so I could never discover the telephone number he or she was ringing from."

"Rather than waste another year of my life being stressed to death by some weirdo who gets his rocks off annoying me the telephone I decided to get a cell phone and terminate my land line," says Pia, "but I'm still a bit wary about the same thing happening again."

"That weirdo - whoever he or she was - had caused me to make a fool of myself with the police and the telephone company and to lose most of my friends through suspicion," sighs Pia. "And I still don't know who it was."

"I'm a much quieter person now," says Pia, "and I've lost most of my former interest in chat lines and that sort of thing. Because I can't get out much to make new friends, I'm getting very lonely."

"My dad is convinced that the real culprit is one of the girls on the chat line who wanted to get rid of the competition," adds Pia, "and if that's the case then she's done a good job on me, hasn't she?"

"The bitch!"

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