Personal stories showing how intuition, signs, awareness and divination are used to give direction and aid survival in daily life, relationships and crises.

October 14, 2014

Why do we think we are special?

Religions have a strong history of opposing any discovery that threatens their existence and their belief that we are special.

Naturally, they have vested interests to protect - wealth and jobs and power - but when too many of the people on Earth are too busy surviving - or too ignorant to think about such things themselves - the religions almost have a mandate to maintain the old world views. It is their duty - on behalf of the people - to oppose scientific discoveries that threaten the status quo.

In the early 17th century Galileo precipitated a scientific revolution when he challenged accepted beliefs and proved that the earth was not the centre of the universe. At the time, of course, poor Galileo was imprisoned for heresy - and four centuries later the Catholic church still refuses to apologize for his demise and people still continue to retain very narrow views about their place in the universe and the meaning of life.

In the 19th century Darwin precipitated another scientific revolution when he challenged accepted beliefs and proved that we are related to the apes, but in the 21st century there are still many people clinging to Judaic-Christian beliefs that negate all of the scientific advances that dragged the human race out of the Dark Ages.

If the earth isn't the centre of the universe and we are essentially no different from the apes - and, in fact, share 75% of our genetic makeup with pumpkins, then why do we continue to think we are so special?

Christians believe we are created in God's image, but for all we know God could look like an ape or a fruit fly or even a banana!

The ancient Greeks had a concept about the meaning of life that comes closer to explaining what's going on than any organized religion can offer. The concept of capricious gods playing with mortals, using us as pawns in some cosmic chess game, is not only very appealing, but is also closer to the mark than the explanations religions give.

The trouble with Christianity, Judaism and Islam - the three major world religions with leaders that swept us into the Dark Ages and in many respects want to keep us there - is that they are big on proscribing how we should live our lives but short on everything else.

The science fiction writers of the 19th and 20th centuries have shed more light on the meaning of life than any religion has ever done, and it is the imaginative among us - the thinkers, scientists and inventors - who will ultimately unravel the mystery of why we are here and who or what created us.

The human genome project and the prospect of cloning human beings has been a major leap forward in discovery and a slap in the face for those who believe in divine creation, but there is so much yet to be discovered.

The purpose of life is to discover that purpose. Ultimately, someone will crack some mysterious code, or some visitors will appear from outer space, and when the truth is known the world religions will cease to have any relevance beyond the purpose for which they are truly needed - helping and counseling those who are grieving or suffering.

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